Where will your journeys take you?

Primary Indoor Use

Examine the floor transition area to every interior doorway in your home to ensure the mobility scooter can climb the threshold. Checking the threshold area ensures the mobility scooter does not get hung up and can easily move from room to room. You may want to consider adding an ADA rubber or aluminum threshold ramp to make the transition from one room to the next smoother.

Check the doorway widths the mobility scooter will need to fit through easily. This includes but is not limited to accessibility to your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.

Checking the height of flooring such as carpet or tall thresholds to ensure your mobility scooter can drive over, allowing you easy access to each room.

Check for any obstacles throughout the house such as but not limited to, cords, furniture, etc. These obstacles may need to be moved so that you can use your mobility scooter safely in your home.

If you plan to primarily use your mobility scooter in your home, we recommend that you consider a scooter with a smaller turning radius. Most 3-wheel and some 4-wheel mobility scooters offer a tight turning radius.

Indoor and Outdoor Use

Follow the recommended list above for primary indoor mobility scooter use.

Closely examine all the transitions leading into and outside your house to guarantee your mobility scooter can climb thresholds and other flooring, allowing the mobility scooter to pass effortlessly from room to room. You may want to consider adding an ADA rubber or aluminum threshold ramp to make the transition from one room to the next smoother, especially for steps, porches and other thresholds in and out of the house.

Examine the terrain outside your home. Make sure there aren’t any obstacles such as gravel, grass, loose dirt and soft ground where your mobility scooter could get stuck.

Check for any obstacles throughout the house such as but not limited to, cords, furniture, etc. These obstacles may need to be moved so that you can use your mobility scooter safely in your home.

Do you plan to use your scooter both in and outside the home? After considering both indoor and outdoor requirements, consider whether you want a mobility scooter that offers a longer per-charge range, faster speeds, and a more comfortable ride. You might have more options, since you can choose between a 3 and 4-wheel mobility scooter that works for both environments. Ideally, 4-wheel models usually work best in outdoor environment, although they might not all work for indoor use.

Outdoor Only

An outdoor-only mobility scooter is designed for performance on varied outdoor terrain, featuring larger drive wheels, powerful motors, suspension, and higher speeds. These types of mobility scooters are usually large and fast and aren’t suited for indoor environments.

How far are your journeys? - I’m not sure - Help me decide.

Short trips around my neighborhood

If you only plan on using your mobility scooter on short trips around your neighborhood, any mobility scooter will fit your need.

Local shopping and exploring the city

Planning to take your mobility scooter out for the day to shop, explore the city or just have fun with family and friends? You may want to consider a unit with a longer per-charge range or choose a unit you can purchase an additional battery pack to take with you.

I want to explore the outdoors

Hitting the trails in the great outdoors isn’t for everyone but it is for you. Designed for performance on varied outdoor terrain, this mobility scooter features larger drive wheels, powerful motors, suspension, and higher speeds. This mobility scooter is usually larger, rugged, and fast for use on trails.

Where will your journeys take place? – Not sure. How do I determine?

I love to travel! Portability is important.

A larger scooter might be a bit more difficult to bring with you on trips. A larger scooter might not dissemble or fold, and the pieces could be too heavy and/or large. This makes it difficult to travel while on vacations, visiting loved ones, or simply going out for the day. If traveling fits your lifestyle, then consider a mobility scooter that disassembles and/or folds. We recommend our Go-Go® Travel Mobility line of scooters, which disassemble into four or five pieces for traveling and the unit can be easily stored in the trunk of a vehicle.

No, I won’t need to take apart my device.

If you do not plan on disassembling your mobility scooter to travel, please factor in a secondary mobility product for travelling or make sure your mobility scooter is transportable using a vehicle lift or ramp.

Let’s discuss payment the method - Not sure. Give me some options.

I will be paying for my product out of pocket, 100%.

Consumer Financing Solutions

Financing is available with the CareCredit healthcare credit card, which can assist you on paying for the home medical equipment, supplies or accessories you need without delay.

The CareCredit credit card can be used for costs not covered by insurance. It’s easy to apply for CareCredit on your mobile device, online or over the phone at an authorized Pride provider’s location or at home. *

Cardholders can take advantage of promotional financing options on balances of $200 or more. **

Cardholders can pay post-care bills online. There is a payment portal web address on your mailed invoices or just visit the CareCredit website.

You can use your card for every visit without re-applying, so your always prepared for new purchases.

* Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See CareCredit.com for details.

** Must be 18 to apply. Must be 21 to apply by phone.

I have Insurance or Medicare

Are you planning on filing for Medicare or insurance to determine if a mobility scooter is right for you? Follow the steps below to see if you qualify.

Visit with your Treating Practitioner for a Face-to-Face Examination

During your exam, your treating practitioner must first consider the options of a cane, walker, or manual wheelchair before considering a scooter or power wheelchair. If your treating practitioner feels your mobility needs must be resolved with a scooter or power wheelchair, this must be supported in your medical records and a prescription can be written. A physical therapist or occupational therapist may also conduct an additional assessment if your treating practitioner deems it necessary.

Submission of Prescription & Medical Records

Have your treating practitioner fax or mail the written prescription and medical records to your mobility supplier. The mobility supplier must receive the written prescription and supporting documentation (medical records) withing 6 months from the date of your face-to-face examination. Once received, the mobility supplier will work with you and your treating practitioner to determine the appropriate mobility scooter model for your needs. Your mobility supplier will need to submit all the information to Medicare for prior approval.

Home Assessment

Your mobility supplier will conduct a home assessment to ensure that you have adequate access and maneuverability space to maneuver a mobility scooter within your home. This may be completed prior to, or at the time your power mobility device is delivered. It is critical to determine if your home environment will support the use of a mobility scooter in helping you perform activities of daily living such as toileting, grooming, bathing, dressing and eating.

Order and Delivery of your Mobility Scooter

Your mobility supplier orders the power mobility device prescribed by your treating practitioner, delivers it to your home and instructs you on how to operate it.
