The Differences Between Scooters Wheelchairs

Some people think that scooters wheelchairs are the same thing. They are actually very different and have different features and benefits that may appeal to you based on your needs. Learn about the differences between scooters and wheelchairs and discover which might benefit you for greater mobility and independence.

The first difference between a scooter and a power wheelchair is how these mobility products are operated. Scooters use a tiller and handlebars, and a user can easily steer their scooter by turning the tiller in the direction they want to go. A power wheelchair is driven through the use of a joystick, which allows you to move the wheelchair back, forward, left and right. Your range of mobility may indicate which product is easier for you to operate.

Scooters wheelchairs are also different based on the number of wheels. Scooters usually have three or four wheels. Power wheelchairs are equipped with at least six wheels or more. Many power wheelchairs have two large drive wheels. The smaller wheels are called casters and add to the stability of the power wheelchair.

Scooters wheelchairs offer different features that can provide greater comfort. Electric wheelchairs offer a height-adjustable foot platform that flips up. In contrast, scooters don’t utilize foot platforms but the amount of legroom a scooter provides is based on the scooter model chosen. A three-wheel scooter ensures greater legroom for individuals who are taller. A four-wheel scooter features a broader wheelbase. This allows for more even weight distribution for greater stability.

As you can see, scooters wheelchairs are very different mobility devices. When choosing between a scooter or an electric wheelchair, think about where you will use the product. Although many scooters and wheelchairs can be used indoors and outdoors, power wheelchairs are able to maneuver better when indoors, especially through hallways and doorways. Meanwhile, many scooters are engineered for driving outdoors over more varied terrain.

No matter which you choose, scooters wheelchairs can give you the mobility and independence you desire. Check out two great choices, Pride’s Go Chair® power wheelchair and the Jazzy® Zero Turn scooter.

The Go Chair® power wheelchair is the top-rated mobility solution. It’s engineered for portability, with feather-touch disassembly. Separate this power wheelchair into five lightweight pieces quickly and easily. The Go Chair is lightweight, with the heaviest part being only 36 lbs. With speed up to 3.7 mph and a super tight turning radius, the Go Chair® is a perfect choice for those that want easy navigation in narrow areas in stores, restaurants, and public transportation.

The Jazzy® Zero Turn is good for those who travel over varied terrain because of its suspension and 4-wheel stability. This mobility scooter can be disassembled into five pieces for transport and easy storage. Drive up to 4 mph on this scooter, and maneuver easily in tight spaces with a 38.25” turning radius. With 4-wheel stability and 3-wheel maneuverability, the Jazzy Zero Turn is ideal for elevators, grocery stores, libraries, and other public places. Patented, EZ Turn Technology® makes this scooter the most innovative indoor/outdoor scooter on the market today!

Remember, scooters wheelchairs are actually very different products. Understanding the variances between a scooter and a power wheelchair will help you understand which product will benefit you and your mobility.

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