The Jazzy® Power Chair offers a wide range of mobility solutions that are built for the real world. From easily portable power wheelchairs, to robust models with Active-Trac® ATX Suspension for enhanced performance over varied terrain, there is a Jazzy Power Chair to suit anyone's needs.

The Jazzy® Power Chair is more than an electric wheelchair.

The Jazzy® Power Chair offers a wide range of mobility solutions that are built for the real world. From easily portable power wheelchairs, to robust models with Active-Trac® ATX Suspension for enhanced performance over varied terrain, there is a Jazzy Power Chair to suit anyone's needs. With its superb construction, unparalleled maneuverability and ease of operation, it's no wonder the Jazzy Power Chair is America's #1 Power Chair!

Watch how Jazzy Power Chairs can enhance your mobility.

FDA Class II Medical Device*

Empowering You To New Heights!

Feel your confidence rise as you drive in style! The Jazzy Air® 2 delivers exceptional performance and empowers you to greater heights.

FDA Class II Medical Device*

Performance You’ll Love!

It’s a ride unlike anything you’ve experienced! Superior suspension ensures a smooth and comfortable ride and exceptional maneuvering.

FDA Class II Medical Device*

Everyone’s Favorite Power Chair!

Nothing compares to everyone’s favorite power chair! Choose a genuine Jazzy for reliable performance every time.

FDA Class II Medical Device*

Choose the Jazzy® Advantage!

When you need intuitive controls and effortless maneuvering, the Jazzy advantage delivers ultimate convenience and steadfast performance.



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